KD, SSR, R09L, RA-1, NSK
Description of the solution
The weighing and packing line allows the preparation of suitable packages for sale, depending on the expected calibre of the goods and the type and size of the packages.
The appropriate onion calibre is fed to the batching buffer which is integrated into the KD box pallet tipper (1). The buffer evenly doses the goods onto the selection table (2). The residue created during selection is transported by conveyor (3) to the box pallet and the actual goods are fed onto the multihead weigher (5) by a loading conveyor (4). Portions of the preset weight are fed from the multihead weigher to the case filler (6) or to the raschel bag packing machine (7).
Michalina Kempa
+48 668-456-480
Przemysław Mroczkowski
+48 510 451 758
Daria Sroczyńska
+48 510-451-432
Sebastian Cegłowski
+48 516-341-273
Piotr Waligóra
+48 797-967-129
Filip Zalewski
+48 512-099-011
Warehouse and spare parts
Marcin Soboń
+48 511-120-229